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  • 西蒙 富迪(Simon Forty)

西蒙 富迪(Simon Forty)

曾就读于英国赛德伯中学,后在伦敦大学斯拉夫与东欧研究学院攻读历史学专业。西蒙撰写过20多部军事史书,包括《诺曼底战场:D日和桥头堡》(2014年),《第一次世界大战:一部视觉百科全书》(2002年)和《向莱茵河进军:1944-1945解放法国和低地国家》(2015年)。他从事出版工作已有四十余年,担任过从编辑到出版总监等各种职位,专攻军事史。他与里奥•马里奥特(Leo Marriott)合作密切,西蒙的著作中配有大量里奥航拍的照片。西蒙对出版事业和军事主题的兴趣源自他已故的父亲乔治•富迪(George Forty)。

Simon Forty was educated at Sedbergh School and read history at London University's School of Slavonic and East European Studies. Simon has authored over twenty military history books including The Normandy Battlefields: D-Day and the Bridgehead (2014), World War I: A Visual Encyclopedia (2002) and Race to the Rhine: Liberating France and the Low Countries 1944-45 (2015). He has worked in publishing for over four decades in various publishing positions from editor to publishing director, specialising in military history. He has collaborated closely with Leo Marriott whose aerial photography has played a key role in many of their titles. Simon’s interest in both publishing and military subjects was fostered by his late father, George Forty, a soldier and, latterly, curator of the RAC Tank Museum in Bovington. After editing a number of his father’s books – game keeper turned poacher – Simon started to write full-time himself. Simon lives in Devon with his wife, herself a journalist and author, and their family.