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本名谢材俊,1958年生于台湾宜兰县。长期从事图书出版工作,现为自由读书人,专注于与阅读相关的自由写作,自称 “专业读者”。著有《我有关声誉、权势和财富的简单思索》《眼前》《尽头》《世间的名字》《重读》《读者时代》《阅读的故事》《唐诺推理小说导读选》《球迷唐诺看球》等。曾获《亚洲周刊》年度十大好书奖、台湾金鼎奖等多项文学奖。朱天文誉之为“一个谦逊的博学者、聆听者和发想者”。

Donald, whose given name is Xie Caijun, was born in Yilan, Taiwan Province in 1958. He has been engaged in book publishing for years, and is now a freelance reader. He concentrates on free writing related to reading. He calls himself "a professional reader". He is the author of many books. He has won many literary awards, including Asia Weekly Top Ten Book Award and Taiwan Golden Tripod Award. And Zhu Tianwen describes him as a modest scholar, listener and originator.