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  • 王耀庆


演员,1974年出生于台北。辅仁大学大众传播学院影像传播系毕业,从事舞台剧、电视、电影表演。2006年,开始与“非常林奕华”合作出演舞台剧作品,如《水浒传》《在西厢》《聊斋Why We Chat?》等;影视代表作有《失恋33天》《创业时代》《无双》等;曾获澳门国际电视节最佳男主角。近年来,他积极进行跨界尝试,策划并拍摄视频节目《职人访谈录》,与戏剧、音乐、艺术界的多位大师对话,并编撰同名图书,广受欢迎。

Born in Taipei in 1974, David Wang is an actor. He graduated from Department of Mass Communications, Fu Jen Catholic University. Wang is active in theatre, film and television series. Starting stage performances since 2006, he appeared in plays like The Water Margin, The Romance of West Chamber and Why We Chat?. His film and television credits include Love is Not Blind, Entrepreneurial Age, Project Gutenberg, etc. He received the Best Actor Award at the 4th Macau International TV Festival. Recently, he is starting out with something new by producing a video program “Conversation with Professionals”, while writing a book of the same name.